We offer a range of training courses focused on individual products or specialized construction tasks, from which you can choose the most suitable one for you.
In order to make optimal use of the features of CAD software, it is necessary to allow users - designers, designers or technologists to familiarize themselves with the individual functions of the programs, but also with the most suitable work procedures for their specific tasks.
And in case you do not choose from our standard offer, we will be happy to prepare a tailor-made training for you, according to your needs and requirements.
Individual trainings are led by our experienced lecturers, specialists with knowledge of design, construction and calculations. At the end of the individual trainings, the participants will undergo a knowledge verification, either in the form of a test or by working out a task according to the assignment. Successful participants will subsequently receive a certificate of completion of the training.
Duration: 3 days
Training focused on the effective creation of 2D documentation in the AutoCAD Mechanical environment. Participants will be introduced to tools for simplifying and speeding up the creation of drawing documentation, support for national standards, the use of standardized parts and materials, and modules for generators of used parts and groups or modules for engineering calculations and inspection of components using FEM. Knowledge of AutoCAD is assumed.
Duration: 3 days
Training focused on designing and drawing in the AutoCAD environment. It introduces participants to the system environment, drawing functions and procedures to facilitate the creation of drawing documentation. It includes work with blocks and external references, parameterization of drawings and work with documents (PDF, scanned documents).
Duration: 1 day
Differential training for users of older versions of AutoCAD. It is aimed at getting to know the new features of the current version and their benefits when processing projects.
Duration: 2 days
Training focused on the creation of 2D documentation in the AutoCAD LT environment. It introduces participants to the system environment, drawing functions and procedures to facilitate the creation of drawing documentation.
Duration: 1 day
Differential training for users of older versions of AutoCAD LT. It is aimed at getting to know the new features of the current version and their benefits when processing projects.
Duration: 5 days
Training new Autodesk Inventor users. It introduces participants to the system environment, functions for creating sketches, modeling individual parts, working in assemblies and creating drawing documentation. It addresses the use of parameterization and other procedures to streamline work in 3D. It includes modeling of sheet metal parts, their development, as well as work with weldments and frame structures. Plus other tools to make the designer's work more efficient.
Duration: 1 day
Differential training for users of older versions of Inventor. It is aimed at getting to know the new features of the current version and their benefits when creating projects.
Duration: 3 days
Training for new users of Fusion 360. Introduces participants to the system environment, tools for modeling individual parts, working in assemblies and creating drawing documentation. It addresses the use of parameterization and other procedures to streamline work in 3D. The training also includes design kinematics, visualization and animation.
Duration: 3 days
Programming in Autodesk Inventor. Creation of configurable 3D models and their documentation using iLogic technology. Good knowledge of Autodesk Inventor is assumed.
Duration: 2 days
Autodesk Inventor user training focused on working with large assemblies. Use of the skeleton method, simplification of reports, visualization. Working knowledge of Inventor is assumed.
Duration: 2 days
Autodesk Inventor user training focused on advanced work with surfaces. Import, modification and modeling of general surfaces, their analysis, use of surfaces in the creation of volumetric parts.
Duration: 1 day
Autodesk Inventor user training focused on creating sheet metal bent parts. Various procedures in the creation of sheet metal parts, development, export of data for production. Using and modeling punches. Working knowledge of Inventor is assumed.
Duration: 2 days
Autodesk Inventor user training focused on designing welded parts. Modeling of parts for welds, their modification, modeling of welds. Creation of frame constructions using the Frame Generator module. Working knowledge of Inventor is assumed.
Duration: 2 days
Autodesk Inventor Professional user training for working with piping systems. Design of hose connections. Design of electrical cables and cable harnesses in 3D models. Use of circuit diagrams created in AutoCAD Electrical and/or AutoCAD ECS when working in 3D design. Working knowledge of Inventor is assumed.
Duration: 1 day
Training in kinematic and dynamic assembly analysis in the Autodesk Inventor environment.
Duration: 2 days
Introduction to the finite element method, strength calculation options in the field of linear statics of volumetric bodies and natural frequency calculations in the Autodesk Inventor Professional environment
Duration of the course: 3 days (basic training) - possibly according to the requirements of the interested party
Introduction to FEM, description of the philosophy and user environment of the Inventor Nastran program (formerly Nastran In-CAD), or Simulation Mechanical. Model preparation, generation of networks according to the nature and purpose of the task. Evaluation of graphic outputs, creation of graphs and automatically generated report.
Duration: 1 day
Options of the Autodesk NASTRAN solver, data structures and task types, postprocessing. The training is intended for experienced users of MKP programs.
Duration: 3 days
Fluid mechanics and heat transfer in practice, solution options in CFD, physical properties of fluids, types of flow, types of heat transfer, types of changes, vibrations, behavior of fluids, .. Numerical models, calculation cycle. Controlling the Autodesk CFD program – preprocessing, defining properties and boundary conditions, defining the type of tasks, evaluating the results.
Duration: 2 days
Moldflow Adviser program control training, calculation preparation (geometry, inlets, material database,...), calculation types (mold filling simulation, cooling, deformation,...) postprocessing (mold filling, temperature and pressure distribution, cold joints, closed air).
The training is intended for users with knowledge of plastic injection technology.
Duration: 3 days
Types of processes that can be solved using Moldflow analysis, preprocessing (adjustment of geometry, meshing, material properties, inlet system, tempering and cooling circuits, injections, cores, ..) postprocessing- evaluation of analysis results including shrinkage and deformations, determination of fiber direction, deformation of cores, etc. .transfer to FEM for strength analysis of the molding.
Duration: 2 days
Autodesk Vault Basic Module Training for Design Data Management. Concept, principles of work, user management, system management.
Duration: according to the needs of the user
Autodesk Vault Professional (Workgroup) system training for construction and project data management. System concept, work principles, user management, system management. Use of CAD and NON-CAD users, integration options.
Duration: 2 days
Inventor CAM application control (formerly Inventor HSM), 2,5D, 3D and 5D milling and drilling cycles, turning, machining simulation, creation of post processors. The training assumes knowledge of Autodesk Inventor.
Duration: 2 days
Autodesk Recap training is intended for users of Autodesk software who are interested in rationalizing existing design processes using 3D point clouds captured by laser 3D scanners. The content of the training is familiarization with the concept of working with point clouds, the Recap system environment, data import and editing, the methodology of working with clouds in Navisworks, Inventor, AutoCAD, etc. systems.
Duration: 5 days
Training users of Autodesk Factory Design Suite or Factory Design Utility. Familiarization with the system concept, process modeling (Process Analysis), creation of 2D layouts, creation of 3D layouts in the Inventor environment, associativity with 2D layouts, integration of big data and their analysis in Navisworks, cooperation of individual modules, creation of own Factory assets, use of 3D point clouds for effective capture of the current state of production and more.
Duration: according to the needs of the user
The design of the construction methodology brings efficiency in the design of products. Based on the analysis of the construction procedures used, a new methodology is created for the individual parts of the product design, and construction workers are subsequently trained. Construction methodologies are a highly individual matter, always created for a specific customer.
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