Our job is a satisfied customer, whom our delivered and implemented solutions help in achieving the set goals. Here you will find references of selected customers and solution.
Company | Solution | Key product | Obor |
AirGas, s.r.o., Pilsen | ERP | EasyTechnology | Distributor of FITOK products for the Czech Republic, Slovakia and Poland. Fluid systems including basic tools and equipment valves and fittings, high pressure valves and fittings, semiconductors, valves and fittings designed for gas systems and closed loop sampling system and UGC process valves and fittings. |
APPLYCON s.r.o., Pilsen | ERP |
| Development and production of wearable electronics and intelligent textiles |
AŽD Praha sro production plant Olomouc | PLM | EasyPLM | Engineering and electromechanical production and production of outdoor elements for the security of switches and crossings |
BLOCK as | PLM | EasyPLM | Realization of investment units with demanding technologies (HIGH technology) and high quality environment (clean rooms) |
BMT Medical Technology s.r.o | PLM | EasyPLM | Development and production of steam, hot air and chemical sterilizers, laboratory dryers and incubators and stainless steel furniture |
BUZULUK a.s | PLM | EasyPLM | Production of machinery and equipment for the rubber industry, foundry, machining of castings |
CIC Jan Hřebec sro | PLM | EasyPLM | Production of air-conditioning and air-conditioning units |
C+H Metall s.r.o | ERP | EasyTechnology | Robotic welding, CNC machining, sheet metal processing |
České dráhy, as | DMS | EasyArchive | Rail transport |
Doosan Digital Innovation Europe, a spin-off | ERP | Peace | Spin-off plant, an IT company providing the operation of ITC technologies for Doosan |
Doosan Heavy Industries & Construction Co., Ltd. | PLM | Oracle Agile PLM | Development and production of integrated solutions that provide water and electricity for a better life for people |
Doosan Škoda Power s.r.o | PLM | Oracle Agile PLM | Heavy engineering, production of steam turbines and their accessories |
DSP Přerov, spol. s ro | ERP | EasyTechnology | Development and production of machines for the processing of various types of mineral raw materials and for the recycling of construction waste (crushing, sorting and transport) |
Elektrárny Opatovice, as | DMS | EasyArchive | Producer and distributor of heat and electricity |
ENERGETIKA TŘINEC, as | DMS | EasyArchive | Producer and distributor of heat, electricity and other energy commodities |
PLM | EasyPLM | It develops, manufactures and implements systems ensuring the safety of air traffic, both for civil and military purposes | |
Femotec s.r.o., | ERP | EasyTechnology | Metalworking |
Formy Tachov s.r.o | PLM | EasyPLM | Development, construction, production and service of highly technologically demanding molds for plastic injection |
FORSCHNER, spol. s.r.o | PLM | EasyPLM | Production of cabling and electromechanical components for cars and trucks, buses and medical equipment |
G and H Ltd | ERP | EasyTechnology | Production of parts, single-purpose machines and assembly of entire assemblies |
GRUPO ANTOLIN BOHEMIA, as | PLM | EasyPLM | Manufacturer of ceiling panels for the automotive industry |
GRUPO ANTOLIN TURNOV s.r.o | PLM | EasyPLM | Production of plastic components and parts for the automotive industry |
Howden CKD Compressors sro | PLM | EasyPLM | It manufactures centrifugal and reciprocating (horizontal and vertical) compressors, which can be supplied with various drive units - electric motors, steam or gas turbines and piston engines. |
Jäger Gestellbau s.r.o | ERP | EasyTechnology | Furniture maker |
Katring sro | ERP | EasyTechnology | Rotary machining of metals on multi-spindle automatic lathes. |
KAVALIERGLASS, as | PLM | EasyPLM | Manufacturer of cooking and chemical glass |
KOVO LEDEČ sro | ERP | EasyTechnology | Tool shop, production of single-purpose machines |
KUMMER s.r.o | ERP | EasyTechnology | Production of precision machine parts |
LIGMET SD as | ERP | EasyTechnology | Metalworking and machine manufacturing |
Marcel Linhart - Metalworking | ERP | EasyTechnology | Production, repair and modification of parts for forestry, agricultural and other machinery |
Mateotech s.r.o | PLM | EasyPLM | Service organization for Severočeské Vodovody and Kanalizace |
City of Choceň, | DMS | EasyArchive | Building Authority |
Kroměříž City Office, | DMS | EasyArchive | Building Authority |
Zábřeh Municipal Office, | DMS | EasyArchive | Building Authority |
MOOD International s.r.o., | ERP | EasyTechnology | Production of foundry models, cores and molds for plastic injection, production of castings and machining of machine parts |
NAFO Strakonice sro | ERP | EasyTechnology | Manufacturer of molds for aluminum die-casting and plastic injection. Production of individual and small series parts with high precision |
Tool shop Letov a.s | ERP | EasyTechnology | Tool shop |
Tools 24 sro | ERP | EasyTechnology | Tool shop - chip machining, production of cutting tools |
NET4GAS, sro | DMS | EasyArchive | International and domestic transportation of natural gas |
OEZ sro. Letohrad | PLM | Oracle Agile PLM | Development and production of low-voltage fuses |
ÖKOLOGISCHE KAUTSCHUK TECHNOLOGIE sro | ERP | EasyTechnology | The largest Czech manufacturer of molds for rubber products |
PEARTEC s.r.o | ERP | EasyTechnology | Tool factory, production of plastic parts for automobiles |
PeHToo a.s | ERP | EasyPLM | Production of plastic parts, including design and production of molds |
ERP | EasyTechnology | Overhaul of injection pumps, diesel injectors and turbochargers | |
SAPELI, as Jihlava | PLM | EasyPLM | Manufacturer of doors and door frames |
SERTO CZ sro | ERP | EasyTechnology | CNC machining, CNC turning, stainless steel machining |
Severočeská vodárenská společnost as | DMS | EasyArchive | Supplying the population with drinking water and removal and disposal of municipal wastewater |
SICO CZ sro | ERP | EasyTechnology | Rubber and plastic production |
Sklostroj Turnov CZ, sro | PLM | EasyPLM | Production of lines for the production of glass bottles |
SOLARCO Machinery, s.r.o | ERP | EasyTechnology | Production of cartoning machines |
Construction ŠMÍD sro | ERP | EasyTechnology | Construction company |
STOLFIG s.r.o | ERP | EasyTechnology | Tool shop |
Strojírny a stavby Třinec, as | PLM | EasyPLM | Engineering production of technological units, industrial and civil buildings on a turnkey basis |
ŠKODA ELECTRIC a.s | PLM | EasyPLM | A leading manufacturer of traction drives and traction motors for locomotives, trams, EMUs, subways, mining vehicles and also a manufacturer of trolleybuses and electric buses |
ŠKODA TRANSPORTATION as | DMS | EasyPLM | Development and production of vehicles for public transport and railways |
SCREWS Krupka sro | ERP | EasyTechnology | Production of precision machined parts and special products with higher labor |
Tecpa, sro | ERP | EasyTechnology | Production of components for electron microscopes |
Techniques Surfaces Czech Republic s.r.o | ERP | EasyTechnology | Heat treatment of metals using the carbon-nitro-oxidation method - ARCOR technology |
TECHNOSKLO s.r.o | ERP | EasyTechnology | Glass production - laboratory and medical glass |
THT Polička, s.r.o | CAD / CAM | CAD | Production of extinguishing equipment |
Todex Auto, s.r.o | ERP | EasyTechnology | Construction of molds and tools. Molding of plastic parts for the automotive industry |
TOS VARNSDORF as | PLM | EasyPLM | The world's leading manufacturer of machine tools |
Trelleborg Bohemia, as | PLM | EasyPLM | Rubber products for automotive and other industries |
TRIMA, spol. s.r.o | ERP | EasyTechnology | Production of machines for winding, rewinding and other special purposes for the glass and textile industry |
UMIKOV CZ s.r.o | ERP | EasyTechnology | Production and service of equipment for transporting wood, special loads, containers and superstructures for agriculture |
Value 4industry s.r.o | PLM | EasyPLM | Development and construction of parts, tools and equipment |
VERNER GOLEM s.r.o | ERP | EasyTechnology | Development, construction and production of industrial boilers and boiler rooms |
VIPAX as | ERP | EasyTechnology | Manufacturer of fire doors and special closures |
Vladimír Vácha - VM MOTOR | ERP | EasyTechnology | Production of own go-kart engines and motorcycles |
VOP CZ, sp, Šenov u Nové Jičín | DMS | EasyArchiv | Development and production in the field of military technology and engineering production |
Research and Testing Institute Plzeň s.r.o | DMS | EasyArchive | Research, development and innovation in the engineering, automotive and aerospace industries |
ŽĎAS, as | PLM | EasyPLM | Manufacturer of forming machines, equipment for processing rolled products, metallurgy products and pressing tools |
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