Our company holds the following certificates and accreditations

  info@td-is.cz            +420 377 441 025

Top Rating®

TD-IS received international recognition in 2015 certification from Dun & Bradstreet, which increases the company's prestige not only on the business market in the Czech and Slovak Republics. This certification recognizes the stability, solvency and credibility of the company, which must meet strict certification criteria to obtain it.


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"Top Rating" is, in addition to the certificate according to ISO 9001:2008 and ISO 16363:12 - Trusted (Digital) storage, another proof of the stability of the company, the quality and professionalism of the products and services provided.


ISO 9001: 2008

It best describes the quality and professional approach one of the most important international standards, ISO 9001 standard. Our company received this certification in 2012.

ISO 9001 certification


ISO 16363:12 – Trusted (Digital) Repositories

Our customers entrust their sensitive data to the systems they need 100% trust. Both in terms of functionality and above all security. That's why we decided to also certify according to the standard:
ISO 16363:12 – Trusted (Digital) Storage / Secure Electronic Archive.

This is not only about working with the most sensitive data in the Electronic Filing Office – data boxes, mail, invoices and economics, etc., but in general any data used and managed in the company, starting with economics, the sales department, through the technical preparation of production, production itself, planning, HR and managing relationships with customers and suppliers (CRM, SCM). In all these areas, our proven systems are deployed and we demonstrate to customers a high level of security and trustworthiness of data and how and where it is stored.
This certificate declares to our customers and partners that the given the solution fully meets the requirements for reliable data storage in accordance with the standards of the Czech Republic, but also of the European Union - which will be appreciated by multinational corporations and public organizations when awarding public contracts.

Certificate Trusted (digital) storage









This certification was granted to our solution EasyArchive/EasyPLM.

ISO 27001 – information security management

In 2021, TD-IS received an ISO 27001 certificate, standardization of processes brings efficiency when assessing the risks associated with the loss or misuse of information, it enables companies gain trust when sharing information with its business partners, it will reduce the risk of additional costs related to possible unexpected events. It reduces the costs associated with the maintenance and development of information technologies in the company. It will improve the approach of state control authorities, including the newly required legislation with the GDPR Directive.

ISO 27001 TD-IS certificate
ISO 27001 certificate for TD-IS





Autodesk Partner

In 2013, TD-IS became a partner of Autodesk. It thus adds CAD / CAM / CAE systems to its portfolio of offered solutions. We offer, implement and support solutions for Manufacturing, starting from 2D (AutoCAD, AutoCAD LT) through fully parametric 3D environments (Product Design & Manufacturing Collection, Inventor) to simulation and visualization systems. From the DMS area, it is a family of products Vault.

Autodesk certified partner

Oracle Partner

In 2008, we received the 'Oracle Certified Partner' accreditation for the first time, which we upgraded to the 'Oracle Gold Partner' partnership in 2010. In addition to Oracle technologies such as databases, we are especially an application partner for PLM solutions and Oracle universal technical browsers AutoVue in all its variants.


Certified partner POHODA

Since 2010, we have been a certified partner of STORMWARE s.r.o. for the sale and implementation of the economic system WELLNESS. As a system integrator, we offer POHODA accounting integration with our production control systems EasyTechnology .

Certified Stormware partner for POHODA



Sales and implementation partner of Tech Soft 3D (formerly Actify) now

Universal technical browser Spinfire Ultimate we have been supplying Tech Soft 3D (formerly Actify) to our customers for decades. We will advise you on how to choose the optimal composition of packages or individual importers for your needs.

TechsoftD logo

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